COM564: Research Methods for Professionals

For me this was a challenging class, because as an Account Executive and owner of a boutique agency, I had only done research into client markets, media outlets and potential issues for clients. This class was design to help us understand the role of research in media and related organizations and its application to organizational decision making. We learned and utilized quantitative and qualitative research methods including research design, questionnaire construction, sampling, data collection techniques, and variable measurement. My final project for this course was a in depth research plan designed for my current employer looking for information that would assist in crafting media for the next election cycle to secure votes for school funding in the form of a bond. The plan looks not only at the issues surrounding the problem, but also discusses research methods, and provides details on netnographic study and a survey design using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a full scope of information.Full_logo_with_text_and_NIB (2)