
book jacket photo 09Based in the Seattle area, Theresa Meyers is a storyteller by trade. She specializes in brand development, media training, copy writing, strategic marketing plans and targeted back cover copy development for fiction authors. And when she’s not doing that, she’s writing fiction, riding horses, puttering around in the garden, sewing on her latest steampunk creation or canning something. Currently she has over 18 published novels to her credit from four different publishers.

With more than 25 years of experience in public relations and publishing, her success record includes placements in media such as Good Day New York, the Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, the LA Times, Shape magazine, as well as two of the seven total book selections for the short-lived “Kelly Ripa Book Club” on LIVE! with Regis and Kelly. She is proud to have numbered many New York Times best-selling authors and some of the biggest publishers in New York among her clients. In the very near future she hopes to take everything she’s learned in both public relations and publishing and pursue teaching communications and writing at the college level.

Storyteller By Trade is her online portfolio showcasing her work in her Master’s in Strategic Communications program in the Edward R. Murrow School of Communications at Washington State University.

To review her professional credentials, take a look at her resume and curriculum vitae. If you are curious about her fiction work, check out her author site or cruise Amazon for her latest book.


HEADER PHOTO with permission Matt Baehr Photography ©2014 / HEAD SHOT with permission Christie Jenkins Photography ©2009