It’s Not What it Looks Like…tutorials

This week we delved into the world of Adobe Premiere. While I enjoyed working in Audition, I didn’t feel as much love for Premiere. Why? Well a video that would have taken me perhaps two hours to craft in Windows Movie Maker took me six hours in Premiere.

I know it likely has much more functionality and professional capabilities, but for a newbie, it’s almost too much. Kind of like telling a kid there’s a whole box of doughnuts and there’s lots of delicious stuff in there, really great stuff, but there’s simply no way the kid is going to be able to eat the whole box of doughnuts without getting sick first.

My biggest challenge was finding out how to create marker spots to be able to manipulate fade in and fade out on the audio tracks as well as motion effects on the static photo we were required to use. I watched the tutorial video multiple times but still didn’t see how to make the markers happen in the updated version of the program. Lots of trial and error. And perhaps that is a great learning environment when using something creative, but for someone use to working on deadline, I found it plain frustrating. Get in, get it done, get out, move on is not possible with this program. Honestly, if it weren’t required, I’d probably never use it again.

With that said, here are the tutorials required for this week.

Here’s my first tutorial in Adobe Premiere:


Here’s my second tutorial:

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