The Mind is Like a Rubber Band

If the mind is like a rubber band, then mine, dear reader, has snapped. This week’s work in Adobe Illustrator reminded me why I chose to work in the PR side of agency and not the Advertising and Art side. While I’m not a creative klutz ( I can paint and draw using my hands and not a computer), these kinds of programs are so unnatural to me that I sincerely struggled with recreating the tutorials.

In the end, no matter how often I re-watched the online video tutorial I couldn’t make the program do what the video said it would do. Watch. Do the steps. Get a warning that it wouldn’t make a clipping mask. After a half hour of repeating this process I figured the computer was more stubborn than I was.

It makes me concerned, and not a little bit anxious, to consider how I will use this tool to create a logo next week. Hopefully I can get a new rubber band by then.


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