Don’t believe in Everything You See – the world by Photoshop

When I was younger I had this marvelous idea that I wanted to be a pre-press systems operator, aka someone who altered photos. Now that I’ve had an introduction to the amazing tools offered in Photoshop, I can tell you one thing for certain: don’t believe in everything you see. Seriously. I was able to erase scars on my daughter in her senior picture that she’s had between her eyes since she was three from an unfortunate accident with a swing set. I’ve made tigers more colorful, learned about layers, filters, ways to manipulate color and texture that would make your brain explode. And all of it is to do one thing: make these photos more appealing. Why? Because in the end everything isn’t always as it seems. Sometimes we like our vision of the world better than the real world itself. Sometimes we can’t help but wish it were better than it is.

Here’s a sample of my Photoshop tutorials.

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